Friday, April 6, 2012

First Post

At this very moment, I am trying something I've never done before. I am blogging. What does this mean, this term "Blog"?  Nowadays, people use these made-up words as if we have known them forever.  Blog, blogging, blogged...

It reminds me of the first time I needed to use the word "text" in the past tense. It sounded funny. "Texted."  Do you say, "Text-ed" or "Texed"? How are we even supposed to know? Do we just make the words up as we go? Who is in charge of what becomes a word, anyway? I think most people can think of many words offhand that we hear everyday that did not exist or have any meaning ten years ago. I guess it has been this way forever, as all words had to be made up at some point.

With all this in mind, I thought I had better "wiki" the term "blog" and make sure I had it right. Who knew you could "wiki blog"!? I also had to "google" "blog" to see my options. Who would have guessed in the 90's that so much of people's time in the 2000's would be spent "Googling"!??

These are only a few of the questions that stir in my brain daily. Some of the answers to my questions would only amount to useless trivia. Some of them seem more important than that. I guess anyone who blogs thinks something they do or think or write must be of some importance to someone else, or what is the point in sharing it?

To get to my point:  This blog is my attempt to share my thoughts and gain insight. I will not always use proper sentence structure, and if this offends you, I apologize for my ignorance. This is not my attemp to earn an A in English. I only wish to convey a speak honestly and openly... and to see how it feels to write publicly. It is something I have always felt a whispering urge to do. One of those things in the back (or front) of your mind that always hangs around but never gets acted upon. It gets pushed to the side to make way for more important items on the day's "To Do" List.

Well, leave it to me to procrastinate those other things I need to do. Right now, I am blogging. I have learned one thing about this new term. "Googling" takes curiosity.  "Blogging" takes courage.

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